Our Autumn PJ Week is next month, and we'll be raising funds for the Noah's Ark Children's Hospital Charity. We asked you to nominate a cause close to your heart and vote from a shortlist, and this was the overwhelming winner.
Noah's Ark Children's Hospital is Wales' only dedicated hospital for sick children, and we're amazed at how many of our young swimmers have been treated there in their short lives.
As one of our mums put it:
"F was, and continues to be, looked after by the fabulous cardiology team at the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital. The incredible team made understanding and managing F's heart condition seem less scary. On one occasion the charity made a tricky Christmas time visit the hospital a pleasant experience by providing a surprise Christmas present for F which made her day".
If you've had any experiences with the Hospital which you'd be happy for us to share, please let us know at southeastwales@puddleducks.com
We hold three Pyjama Weeks through the year and as well as being great fun, they teach important life-saving skills. Most accidents will happen while you’re fully clothed, so wearing pyjamas gives our children great indication of what this feels like. It helps you realise that you will feel heavier but will still be able to do the important life-saving manoeuvres like kicking to the surface and reaching for the side. Lots of our parents haven't been in the pool in their pyjamas since they were at school, so it's a great experience for them too! Our autumn PJ Week is always a fundraising one, supporting a charity that's important to our swimmers.
And since you're never too young to start to learn these important lessons, all our swimmers from tiny Floaties up all take part!
During our charity PJ week, we ask for a voluntary donation of £2 at the pool, or you can donate to our JustGiving page, or ask friends and family to sponsor your child to take part (you can print off a sponsor form here).