We are absolutely thrilled to announce our star teacher of Autumn 2019 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Caroline
Caroline has had some amazing nominations and has been crowned Star teacher.
Below is the winning nomination, along with what our judge had to say (thank you to FOBU’s Lisa Wainwright)
Caroline will now be put forward to the National competition against the rest of those outstanding teachers nominated across the UK.
A big thank you to every parent who took the time to nominate their teachers, we will be sharing your kind words with them today.
Winning Nomination
From Hannah and Alissa
Hannah loved Caroline so much that we had to pretend to play swimming lessons at home with her teddies and pretend to be Caroline for her.
Caroline really gets to know her students and ensures that they are stretched without taking them outside of their comfort zone. She makes swimming lessons fun and builds a trusting relationship with her students.
What our Judge had to say
I have picked this teacher as the comments are so lovely. The parent has explained how the children like to role play and pretend to be their swimming teacher at home. I think this shows what a huge impact this teacher has had on the children- I thought he/she sounds like a star for sure.
Caroline is a dedicated member of our team loved by her customers and colleagues alike.
She has a huge fondness for all her little swimmers as do they to her. Well done Caroline we are incredibly proud of you.