What will I do?
Good question. What will your day-to-day be like? Well, that all depends on whether you train to be a Puddle Ducks Baby & Pre-school teacher or not. We offer the flexibility to new franchisees, whether they are buying a virgin territory or an existing Puddle Ducks business; they can either decide to train as a teacher themselves or they can recruit a teacher, ready for launch. There are advantages to both and we have successful franchisees who have chosen each route. If you do decide to train as a teacher, your end goal is still the same as if you don’t; you need to be planning ahead, thinking about building your team and being on dry land as soon as possible so you can spend your time growing the business.
As a Franchise Owner, your main tasks will be:
- Sourcing pools (and in time even building or managing your own pool)
- Recruiting and managing a team of teachers, trained to the highest standards the industry has to offer
- Finding customers
- Recruiting and managing a customer care and marketing team
- Business planning and financial management; working with the tools and management information provided to you by Duck HQ (Shark, Xero, Website) and with the Franchise Support, Marketing, Retail and Pool Build experts at Duck HQ to realise the potential of your franchise