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A Day in the Life of Emma

Emma teaches Baby & Pre-school, Swim Academy, and does some marketing for Puddle Ducks York

8am - Leave the house to take my little ducklings to school and nursery then straight off to the gym.

9am - Arrive at today’s location which is the ever popular Everlast Hull, I’ve got 3 Baby & Pre-school classes this morning.

9:05am - Quick change and moisturise and make my way to the pool to get set up.

9:20am - All finished setting up, I have just enough time to swim a few lengths as a warm up.

9:30am - First class is Little Dippers. They’re amazing, absolutely fabulous turning and swimming and very enthusiastic jumping, no chance of me keeping my hair dry today!

10am - Time for some very lively Kickers! I have some new swimmers with me and it’s been lovely getting to know them. Everyone was fabulous and they loved some of the new toys I’ve brought with me. Have a nice chat with the mums during splash time about how it must be a full moon as no one is sleeping!

10:30am - Final class of the morning is Splashers. I have some swimmers in this class using their Courtesy Classes, it’s amazing to see how much they’ve grown since the last time I saw them! At the end of the lesson, everyone is exhausted, especially me!

11am - Time to get packed away and grab a quick shower before lunch. I leave the swimming pool completely empty and serene...such a waste!

11:30am - This afternoon I’m going to a local baby massage group to speak to all of the new mums about Puddle Ducks and the benefits of swimming. After a nice long chat and some lovely baby snuggles it’s time to go home. Hopefully we’ll soon see some of these babies in our lessons.

1:30pm - Arrive back home. have a quick lunch while I complete my online registers and also fill in our online risk assessment documents.

2pm - Online learning time. I’ve recently had some new swimmers who have additional needs, Puddle Ducks provides us with an online learning platform which covers a lot of relevant information so I spend some time learning about how I can best adapt lessons for these swimmers.

3pm - Collect my oldest child from school and have enough time for homework and a drink before I need to change for my Swim Academy classes this evening.

4:15pm - I arrive at the second pool of the day, it’s a school hydrotherapy pool and it’s beautiful, we're very lucky to have use of such an amazing pool. I have plenty of time so I check each swimmer's criteria and see if there’s anything we can mark off during tonight’s lesson.

4:45pm - I am surprised to see Sally, our region's Senior Teacher. She’s come to do a surprise assessment on me tonight, and it was very much a surprise!

5pm - It’s Swim Academy Level 1 to start us off and even though this is only our third week together, the swimmers are making amazing progress, I’m very proud of them.

5:30pm - Next up is Swim Academy Level 2, and one of my swimmers managed her 10m tonight which is always very exciting. We finished with dolphin leg kicks which is new to everyone but went down a storm.

6:15pm - All finished and packed away. We don’t store any equipment at the pool so I have to bring it with me and take it away after each session. Fortunately, it fits in my car (if i remember to take the pram out of the boot!), then I spend 10 minutes with Sally to get some feedback on my assessment. I got all green  grades, which means I pass and had lovely comments too. PHEW!

All done for the day. it’s been a busy one but it never feels like work, we have such a fun time and I get to meet some amazing people #bestjobintheworld


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